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Students learn from the very first lesson about hand positions, curved fingers and a straight sitting position. We also cover topography of the piano keyboard and how to look for the correct keys.
Students will learn simple songs using the correct fingering and simple rhythms as well as drills to strengthen their little fingers! They will be starting on middle C using their thumbs and gradually moving on to the full five finger hand position.
We are mindful that every student is up to speed and we move at a slow enough pace to ensure that all the material is understood and clear. This way we keep confidence levels high and create an eagerness for more! The fantastic aspect about learning in groups is that each student gets to perform in front of each other from the very first lesson.
Students learn all the elements of music theory such as letter names of the notes and time values, dynamic signs, articulation, tempo and much more as they progress.
Understanding of music theory makes a literate musician. It makes a musician who can not only speak the language of music, but read and write it as well.
Aural training is an essential part of music education.
It is the process of connecting music theory (notes, intervals, chords, scales, melodies, etc.) with the sounds we hear.
The more we train our ear to recognise this connection, the better we get at playing music.
Singing is integral part of aural training. At pianobeats the children will sing and play the piano on each lesson!
Our students use little drums to help them learn various rhythmic patterns. They drum rhythms in a group as well as individually using written music or by repetition. This exercise helps them keeping a steady pulse and builds confidence in quick recognising note values.
At Pianobeats we believe that regular performance is an integral part of musical education. All of our students take part in our regular concerts. Performance give an opportunity to show off the prepared piece, get used to the stage and an audience developing confidence from a very young age.
When it comes to practicing at home it is equally important as the actual lesson itself. Helping your child with daily practice may be tricky for some parents - especially for the ones who don’t play the piano.
You can then find a short video lesson on our website to help your child with practice. This will allow you to guide your child correctly and be ready to move on to the next step!

Our program: Small steps to success
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